Have you heard of the 22 Minute Meeting? I recently saw an Ignite presentation by Nicole Steinbok that is dead on with what we’re trying to do here at LessMeeting. Instead of just regurgitating what Nicole said, check out her presentation for yourself below. And since it’s an Ignite presentation, it only takes 5 minutes (and Nicole uses those 5 minutes well!) so you have no excuse not to.There’s even this great meeting guide Nicole has created that you can download.
What excites me the most is that without realizing it Nicole has highlighted some of the best features of LessMeeting. Let’s take a closer look:
- Schedule a 22 minute meeting – We also hate meetings that are always 30 or 60 minutes. That’s why we allow you to use your Agenda to drive the length of the meeting.
- Have a goal based agenda – Right in Outlook write out clear goals that will drive your agenda. Then after the meeting, measure up to see which goals you achieved.
- Start on Time – Use the meeting timer to start your meeting clock. Then dive into your meeting analytics to see which meetings start late, run late, and are wasting your time.
- No laptops, but presenters and note takers – While at LessMeeting we think everyone can be a note taker, the important thing is that we provide the note taker, whoever it is, with the right tools for them to take great notes during the meeting.
- Focus! Note off topic comments – This is what the parking lot is for…use it!
- Send notes and action items ASAP – One of my favorite features, when the meeting is over click the End Meeting button and meeting minutes and action items collected during the meeting are all automatically emailed to everyone. Done!
What about you? Do you agree with Nicole? Is there anything you’d add to her poster?