We’re excited as this week we’ve pushed out another huge Less Meeting update.There’s a lot of great new features so we’re spreading our updates out over a few posts so that you don’t miss anything. Check out the details below and stay tuned to future updates coming this week…
1. Undo Accidental Note Deletions
Ever delete a meeting note in Less Meeting on accident?!? Mis-clicks like these are frustrating so we’ve added a new undo option.Simply type “Ctrl+Z” (or “Cmd+Z” for Mac users) and your most recent deleted note will be re-added. This also includes any sub-notes that were deleted!
2. Linking & Unlinking Meetings
Recurring meetings are incredibly popular in Less Meeting. By sharing related information – action items, parking lots, etc – across related meeting topics, it makes it much easier to avoid “groundhog day meeting syndrome” (having the same discussion week after week!).
We’ve recently added two new features to make recurring meetings even better:

- Linking Recurring Meetings – Now you can link any meeting to any other meeting, giving you a central place to manage all your info on a particular project or topic.
- Unlinking Meetings – Accidentally link the wrong meetings? Use this option to correct your mistake.
3. More Meeting Note Shortcuts
We’ve added another great shortcut to make meeting minutes even easier.
While your focus is inside the note box, press Up/Down and Left/Right to move the note box to a different section in your notes. Click here for a recap of our other note taking shortcuts.
4. New Feature Request Forum
Wonder where we get all our ideas for new features to add?
These ideas come from users like you. All of the above features, including a number of others, were suggested on our new feature request forum.
New to Less Meeting?Click here to learn how Less Meeting helps you reinvent the way you plan, run and follow up on your meetings.