The Importance of Starting and Stopping Meetings on Time

The Executive Decree – “We will start meetings on time, and we will end meetings on time.” At the beginning of my first meeting at a new client, I arrived early and picked my spot near the far corner of the conference room table (I prefer to sit near the corner of the table closest […]
5 Email Templates For Following Up On Action Items

Have you ever walked away from a meeting with a sneaking suspicion that nothing discussed in the meeting will get accomplished? Were you right? Early on in my career, I had too many meetings where followup items just didn’t get done. It wasn’t because the people were incompetent or didn’t care… normally, it was because […]
How to Schedule a Meeting With Someone You Don’t Know

So you are looking to schedule a meeting with someone you don’t know very well… What is the correct protocol to ask for a meeting? How do you get the meeting without seeming like a jerk? What if they turn you down? These questions can cause you anxiety, especially if you’re an introvert who is […]
What Should Be In Your Meeting Minutes

Why are Meeting Minutes important? Meeting minutes remind attendees of important highlights, action items and key decisions made during a meeting. They also serve as a great way to update those that cannot attend and help increase accountability within an organization.
How to Follow Up on That Unanswered Meeting Request

Sometimes simply scheduling the meeting can be the hardest part. You were at an event last night and met Brett. He had some awesome ideas to help your startup so you got his card and he suggested you get together soon. The next day you email him to schedule a meeting but you never hear […]
The Hidden Benefit of Stand-Up Meetings

Stand-up Meetings A slap in the face to mundane, never-ending meetings that you dread going to on Monday morning. Why?