However, as we reached 10,000 feet and the flight attendant hawked the Gogo Inflight Internet it hit me – I didn’t have to miss my meetings at all. I immediately signed on and within minutes had joined the LessMeeting meeting space. Even better, my calls had been double booked (go figure!) BUT I was able to follow along with both meetings simultaneously. I got a laugh when I added a couple comments in the collaborative notes and spooked a couple of the attendees.
It was exactly what I needed; I was there in both meetings, without actually being at either. Next time I think I might up the ante and Skype into the meeting as well…Or I may just skip the whole thing and pretend my laptop battery was dead. The point is, it’s a great feeling to have the option when I need it.
What about you? What unusual circumstance have you found yourself using LessMeeting?