Meeting Mascots

As a consultant, I work with many different clients. Each client and even teams within a client have distinct personalities. The anthropologist in me loves observing and then adopting the culture of the teams with whom I work. In one recent project, several weeks in, I was in a meeting where the discussion had started […]

Meeting Etiquette

When to Invite / When to Attend How many times have you or someone you work with complained that you aren’t able to get any real work done because you’re always booked with back-to-back-to-back meetings all day long?We’ve all heard it countless times but what really drives me crazy is that when I ask the […]

LessMeeting Update – A Focus on Efficiency

We commend you for taking the initiative to increase productivity and eliminating waste from your workplace with LessMeeting. Ever since the release of LessMeeting we’ve received valued feedback and suggestions for improvements. During the past few months our team has worked hard to develop and implement many of the proposed enhancements. Because of your effort […]

More Bang for the Buck

Great comment from McKinsey that solidifies the LessMeeting position that improved interaction among knowledge workers is the fastest and most cost effective means of increasing productivity. Quote from the McKinsey Quarterly: “Since knowledge workers spend half their time on interactions, our research and experience suggest that companies should first explore the productivity barriers that impede […]

LessMeeting and Web-conferencing

Here at LessMeeting we often get asked how our product compares with web conferencing solutions like WebEx or GoToMeeting. The answer is that LessMeeting and web conferencing tools are two different categories of tools aimed at solving two distinct problems. A web conferencing product allows you to have meetings with your co-workers, partners, and clients, […]

Rise of the Knowledge Worker: Removing Productivity Bottlenecks

What Matters: Using technology to improve workforce collaboration For some time now LessMeeting has trumpeted a concept which this article so aptly points out. Workforce productivity can no longer be measured with manufacturing output numbers alone, the workforce and the definition of workforce productivity has changed. There’s been a shift in the employment landscape, today […]