Walk n’ Talk
With an estimated 11 million formal meetings a day in the US alone, it’s no wonder employees find it hard to keep up with their daily tasks while still living a healthy lifestyle. We’ve heard it all before: 30 minutes of activity a day equates to longer and happier lives. The question is, why aren’t […]
An Easy Way to Start Owning Your Meeting Schedule
The only thing better than a short meeting is the meeting that gets cancelled. Quick, efficient meetings are fantastic.The problem is, I often bite off more than I can chew. I tend to over-promise and under-deliver when it comes to actually keeping the meeting short. Think of me as the restaurant host who always says […]
A Simple Hack to Make Your Manager Love You
Most managers are in meetings all day – it’s part of the job. But what if it didn’t need to be that way? How to Get Your Manager to Just Say “No” The reason why managers feel the need to be in meetings all of the time is because they want to be “kept in […]
How To Be a Meeting Ninja
If you’re reading this blog then when you see a new book titled, How to be a Productivity Ninja, it catches your attention.And that’s exactly what happened to us: So I snagged a copy (get your copy here) from Graham and the Think Productive team, where I found an entire section dedicated to Making Meeting […]
Your Meeting Could be Worse
It’s Friday. Chances are you were in a meeting this week (or ten).Hopefully your meetings weren’t as bad as this one though: Thanks from the folks over at BringTIM. Enjoy the weekend!
What Steve Jobs Taught Us About Meetings
We’re getting pumped for the Less Meeting iPad app release.This got me thinking…what would Steve Jobs think about Less Meeting? Or even, what did Steve Jobs think about meetings in general? The Most Important Meetings Don’t Happen in the Conference Room There’s a few lessons we can take from him, but one in particular sticks […]